open-source repos i maintain
Hop Protocol
EulerBeats CLI
Command-line tool for EulerBeats. Queries original/print holders, ownership and royalties distribution history, staking statistics, and more.
Panvala Governance App
Monorepo for smart contracts, client interface, api server, website donation integration, and various scripts.
Initially developed for the AdChain project, this smart contract system has become the canonical implementation of a generic hash-keyed token-curated registry.
PLCR Voting
Partial-lock Commit-Reveal Voting is an efficient system for token-weighted voting on the Ethereum blockchain.
Universal frontend user interface to interact with token-curated registries
Eth Events
Library for querying and decoding Ethereum event logs.
Inflating Supply TCR
By removing the minimum deposit requirement, IS-TCR is a drastically simpler version of TCR.
Participation Mined TCR
PM-TCR has the ability to inflate the token's liquid supply without increasing the token's total supply. Majority faction voters effectively earn inflation rewards for their curation participation per epoch.
Command-line tool to interact with token-curated registries.